二、适度扩大因“紧急人道主义需要”来华人员签证审发范围。 适用人群:中国公民或永久居民的外籍家庭成员。来华事由:家庭团聚、赡养、探亲、来华奔丧或探望危重病亲属。符合上述条件者,可递交申请。
Notice on Visa Facilitation Measures for Applicants Inoculated with China's Covid-19 Vaccines
To orderly resume personnel exchanges between China and the rest of the world, as of March 15, 2021, the Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in Italy will provide the following facilitation for visa applicants who have been inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines produced in China and obtained the vaccination certificate:
1. For applicants who are needed in necessary resumption of work and production in China, they and their family members can prepare documents and submit applications based on pre-Covid visa policies.
2. Visas will be issued to more applicants with emergency humanitarian needs. People applicable include family members of Chinese citizens or of foreigners with Chinese permanent residence. "Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons and granddaughters. Purposes of visit applicable include family reunion, attending funerals or visiting relatives with serious illness.
3. For applicants with valid APEC Business Travel Card, they can apply for M visa with the card and the Invitation Letter from their inviter in China.
Airline boarding requirements for certificates of negative nucleic acid and anti-body blood tests results re main unchanged. Visitors need to abide by relative quarantine measures after they arrive in China.